Avarelle Acne Cover Patch Hydrocolloid, Tea Tree, Calendula Oil, CICA (40 ROUND PATCHES)

  • ✔️UPDATED: Packaging Design, All Round Patches, Ingredient (CICA)
  • ✔️EASY USE: Cleanse & Dry Area. Before applying toner/lotion/etc, peel and apply the patch overnight or desired amount of time.
  • ✔️ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Hydrocolloid dressing with the hint of Tea Tree Oil, Calendula Oil and Cica.
  • ✔️PACKAGING: Easy Peel Design & Resealable Package
  • ✔️MADE FOR ALL: Blends in with all skin tones. All ingredients used are gentle and works on all skin-types.

I'm always reading these articles on the "Best reviewed Items on Amazon" and that's where I saw these. I had battled with cystic acne since I was a pre-teen, and then the moment I got my cystic acne under control, along came hormonal adult acne. My acne will be turning 18 this month, actually, so happy birthday to it (sigh). So I have a whole regimen of cleansers/moisturizers/masks that help to even out my skin tone, but I'm always trying new remedies for those pesky breakouts that you feel coming under your skin and just know are going to be disgusting. I use the Mario Badescu drying and buffering lotions and those work nicely, but they have a very high alcohol content which I don't like because long-term it's not the healthiest for my skin. These patches though contain milder products like tea tree and calendula, so I figured I'd give them a try. The first night, I put the patches on a couple of my problem spots, but I had no real breakouts forming. I didn't see much of a difference and figured I needed to wait until I could feel a bad pimple forming. I didn't have to wait long because that day, I could feel one right above my upper lip (OUCH). It kept growing throughout the day, was causing that part of my lip to swell, and it was getting more and more painful. So that night, I took one of the small round patches and put it on my pimple-bump. I'll admit I didn't have high hopes, but then when I woke up the next morning, there was still a little bump but nowhere near as bad as the day before, and most importantly, there was no pain! Over the course of the day the pimple started to shrivel up and scab over, and that was it. So now I'm a true believer!

If you are looking for relief from ocassional (2-3 a month) painful, unwelcome cystic acne, then run, don’t walk and buy this product! I’ve tried other drying products such as sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, toothpaste (??!!)... but I didn’t have any luck and only had dry patches the next morning. I put these patches on as soon as I feel the “here we go again” tenderness on my chin. Within 2-3 days, they’re gone. I am 31 years old and am experiencing cystic acne for the first time. 😑 Go buy this product and experience the magic yourself.

I want to begin by saying I purchased these on my own with no discount compensation or incentive. These have been life changing for me. As opposed to other brands, this has been the only one that works in protecting and getting rid of pimples, and is absolutely the only one that is thin and transparent enough to wear in public or under makeup. Cosrx also makes a hyrdocolloid patch similar to this, which is only meant to absorb anything inside your breakout (aka they only are meant to really work on whiteheads) however when I’ve used their version, it sticks out like a sore thumb and makes no difference in the size or appearance of my breakout after the recommended wear time. Since the avarelle patches also contain soothing ingredients, they work to calm inflammation in breakouts that are under my skin as well; I no longer use ANY spot treatments, and aside from masks this is the only product I use to treat my occasional breakouts. After sleeping with the avarelle patches, my breakouts are usually either totally flat, or gone. However, I continue to use them after to treat any leftover redness or after extractions to help the skin heal. Please give these a try, they’ve been life changing for me; since I’ve been using thes I no longer pick at my pimples, and my skin has improved DRASTICALLY. I’ve attached photos comparing the Avarelle patches to the other brand for reference. As you can see the avarelle patches are paper thin and colorless, but somehow still absorb a million times more than the cosrx. I’d like to add that I’ve never spent this much time on a review before, although I rely heavily on them when I purchase on amazon. After buying these for the fourth time, the company was thoughtful enough to send me a handwritten thank you note. Any company puts that much effort into caring for their customers and delivers a product this amazing is one that deserves commendation.

I have literally never written a review for anything in my entire life, but I feel compelled to share my experience with this product. I do not understand exactly what voodoo is behind these little patches, but I am not exaggerating when I say they are straight up miracle workers!! I’ve never been blessed with amazing skin, but until recently I took for granted the fact that the only real issue I had was a minor jawline breakout every few months around my cycle. As a 34 year old woman, I thought a pimple every few months was annoying, but was always able to cover it up with a little bit of concealer and move on with my day. I never had a real need for any medicated creams or special products. UNTIL a few months ago when I weaned my nine month old baby, and hell in the form of hormones entered my life. Along with my other less visible symptoms came the most horrid and painful case of cystic acne that there ever was. I woke up one morning with one lesion (not just a pimple), and by bedtime that same night I had two more. By the next morning it had spread over my entire face. I was actually terrified that I had some sort of staph infection. I visited my doctor, and was put on antibiotics to no avail. I was taking ibuprofen all day long for the pain. I went into panic mode and spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on new makeup and every skin care product and every prescription cream known to mankind. Nothing even touched this acne. I was beside myself. I am not being dramatic when I say that I could hardly look in the mirror. I canceled plans. I was embarrassed showing up to work, even contemplating calling in sick some days because it was so bad. I could never have understood the emotional drain that this kind of acne could be until it happened to me. At some point, because the chemical products weren’t working, I decided to try a more natural route. I cut dairy out of my diet. I tried essential oils. I practiced oil pulling every morning. I drank apple cider vinegar. I’m telling you, I was devoted. And, the acme barely budged. I considered going on Accutane, but it didn’t feel like a good fit for the fact that I’d like to have another baby at some point in the relatively near future. So I’m telling you, I was feeling totally hopeless. Then about a week ago, browsing Amazon in bed wondering if there was anything left in the world that I hadn’t tried, I came across these little patches. I wasn’t that excited about them, but they didn’t cost much and they were indeed something different, I figured it was worth a shot. They arrived Tuesday and I put them on overnight. Woke up Wednesday morning and was both impressed and disgusted by what I peeled off. My skin wasn’t irritated and the redness was reduced, but the acne was still very much present. I wore them to bed again on Wednesday night, and woke up the next morning to find that for the first time in months, my skin appeared to be healing. I was so excited that I actually almost cried. When I got home from work that afternoon I washed my face and was so encouraged that I put more patches on and wore them around the house for the rest of the day and evening. I am not kidding when I tell you that I took them off before bed to find that my acne, which had completely withstood the test of every dermatologist recommendation for months, was all but gone. GONE! I could not believe my eyes. I cannot tell you what an insane feeling of gratitude and relief I have for having found this product. If you are suffering with acne, do not hesitate for even one moment to buy these little suckers!

Overall, this is a phenomenal product! I have ordered this product three times now and anticipate that I will continue to purchase more. I was using the Cosrx hydrocolloid patches before this and while those are also good patches, I find these have the added bonus of working on deep cystic acne and that these significantly reducing the angry redness that always accompanies my acne. I place a patch over a cystic bump I feel coming in and the cystic acne has yet to erupt into a huge white head/visible acne. It’s incredible!! I can’t say with complete certainty that this isn’t just delaying it from coming in vs actually vanquishing the acne, but I feel that it “sucks out” the puss and and other gunk from the skin while leaving it intact, allowing the skin/pore to heal more quickly. The Cosrx ones I found to be helpful only once the pimples had been popped. I LOVE the fact that they incorporate more natural acne fighting ingredients, like tea tree oil and calendula oil in their patches, which is what I would guess plays a big part in decreasing redness and inflammation. I routinely apply these patches before bed and remove them the next morning, but I’ve used them during the day too. It can be nearly undetectable on the face if your pimple is on your cheek or forehead, but its going to be more noticeable when the pimple is near a crevassed area (like the mid chin area or side of the nose) and when located on a part of the face that moves a lot (like the area around the mouth). I apply the patches after my serums and moisturizer, but I blot the area with a tissue or dry towel before placing them because I’ve found them to adhere to the skin better when I do so. Again, this is a very good product that I would highly recommend to others. The only hang up is I wish I didn’t go through them so quickly since they’re more expensive than other acne patches, but they do provide 40 patches of varying sizes vs the 20-something patches sold other brands. I’ve found that I can cut the larger patches into smaller pieces when I don’t need the larger patches. This allows for me to use the product more efficiently and increases the longevity of each packet.

I've ordered this a second time because I love it so much! When I ordered it again, I also bought another brand (Clear 24) that sold way more patches in a container to see how it worked in comparison. The other brand works ok and it's nice to have if you need to use a ton of patches (like on your back or something) but the Avarelle brand is better in several ways: 1. The patches are on plastic that's sliced down the middle so it's an "easy peel" to get the patch off. Other brands you have to scrabble at with your nails or tweezers and then it doesn't lay flat on your skin. 2. The patches are really thin. 3. I'm assuming it's something about the medication in these vs. other brands that are un-medicated, I think it pulls more "stuff" out! Gross/awesome! If you have something that's not at a head but you can tell it's getting to the angry red phase, I'd suggest putting one patch on a day for maybe 3 days and it'll bring everything up and out. After that, my skin does still have kind of a dark spot for a bit but it doesn't hurt and it's flat! In the past I've had angry red spots sit on my face and torment me for days before anything progressed, so this really speeds it up a ton. Amazing. Something that's true for any brand is that it keeps you from picking/rubbing the acne and making everything worse. That's a huge thing for me. Plus with the targeted treatment, you don't have to dry out your whole face to treat a small area. I love it! One experiment I tried that I wouldn't suggest is putting a patch on a bug bite. I figured maybe it'd draw out whatever irritates you in a mosquito bite. While it was on, it was actually pretty nice (the bite was on my knee which gets rubbed by pants and keeps irritating it, so the patch kept it from getting touched all the time) but when I took off the patch, I didn't see any white spots indicating anything got pulled out, and once the patch was off, the skin was a little sensitive so it mildly backfired. Nothing terrible but it didn't really work either. PS: I just got a little hand written thank you card in the mail from Freddie in customer care. How cool is that?

I found this to be thinner and more adhesive than Nexcare. I was a little confused with the product description on the packaging. It described being an a protective barrier and did not specific address being an absorbent cover to suck that gunk out, but I will assure you that it is absorbent and effective at this as well. I wouldn't say it healed my acne, but I do honestly belief it reduced my swelling and the time it is taking for it heal. I prefer to use these after washing my face at night. The adhesive was excellent and they were very easy to apply. I had no problems applying my moisturizer around the patches and they stayed on the entire night. With Nexcare, I struggled product application around the patches as if it got to close they would loosen and fall off. I also had issues with Nexcare falling off while I slept and leaving a weird circle stain on my pillow and sheets. Not an issue with this brand. I loved the variety in sizes and appreciated the large square patch that I could use over a broad area with a lot a issues. I actually cut these down so I could use enough to cover the large section I needed. Lastly, I recommend being careful around hairy areas, such as eyebrows. These are adhesive enough where they have pulled some facial hairs off (super fine hair that would come off with most clay masks anyways), but not adhesive enough to actually stick to areas with hair. What I mean is that one of my problem areas was near my eyebrows and I found I needed to trim the patch around my eyebrows otherwise the patch would not stick at the overlap areas and lift from my face. I never had one come off and see this as a benefit that it won't scalp off hairs that I don't want gone, but it could prevent a patch from sticking and possible cause it to fall off. Highly recommended option.

I absolutely LOVE these patches! I have tried 3 different kinds of such patches and these are by far the best. They are the thinnest, most comfortable, and blend into skin the most. Different sizes come in each pack which is helpful, though I usually wind up cutting down the large squares because they're too big. They also come on sheets that are perforated down the middle of the patch, making it easier to pull one off without losing the sticky part. Clever and super helpful! The others I've tried were on flat, solid sheets and I hated trying to get them off because they wouldn't stick as well after I touched them to remove them from the sheet. When I put these on, I notice their magic about an hour afterwards. And the longer I leave them on, the better they work. They definitely work best on acne that is opened a bit/has a white, raised center. If you put it on a bump that is not 'pop-able', it won't really do much. The center of the disc turns white as it pulls out the junk from your face. For really junky acne, the disc makes it easier to remove/pop the pimple because when you peel the patch off, it seems to open the pimple up a bit and the stuff just comes right out. When that happens I clean things up and put on a new patch. Within a couple days, the pimple is gone! I generally leave these on overnight, as that seems to give me the greatest benefit. I have worn them out in public and haven't had any issues, though liquid makeup/concealer does get caught around the edge of the patch making it stand out a bit. If I really feel the need to wear makeup with it, I put one patch on, apply makeup, take the patch off and then put a new patch back on. That way the makeup isn't stuck around the edges. I also like that these patches are in bags that are resealable. However, my only complaint is that of the 9 packages I have purchased, 2 of them were not sealed at the bottom/became unsealed easily after opening the package and the sheets fell out into the wet sink, which was unfortunate and defeated the purpose of having a seal-able bag for protection. Regardless, I am HOOKED and will continue to purchase these for as long as they are around! I highly recommend them and am so glad I found them!

I can't believe how much money I've spent on acne products over the years before I found this. Of all the products with glowing reviews, these patches have been the most effective and worth their cost. Background: I have sensitive, combo skin and deal with adult acne on a daily basis. Since my face has dry areas, I'm also more likely to pick at it (TMI, sorry). It's terribly embarrassing to go to work with these kinds of issues day after day, so in addition to taking a prescription, I've been on the hunt for anything topical that would help. The first time I used one of these patches, I put it on at night. The next morning, I woke up and was kind of shocked. It actually did what it was supposed to do. You peel off the patch, and with it comes at least 90% of the nastiness that was clogging your skin. It DRASTICALLY reduces the size of the zit. I've also experimented with using these on cystic acne, and they work wonders for speeding up the clearing and healing process. Also, they're comfortable to wear and stay on your face pretty well overnight. As you can imagine, these patches are addicting, and I find myself using them almost every day. That's where my one quibble comes in - I feel like they're a bit costly, considering I go through one 40-count pack in as little as 2-3 weeks. If you don't need the large patches, you can extend the use by cutting them into smaller pieces, which helps some (though the convenient factor is then gone). I would like to see a package of just the round patches in larger quantity (and, hopefully, a lower price). FWIW, I have tried another brand that is non-medicated, but I find these are generally more effective because of the tea tree / marigold oil's ability to target cystic acne. I would say if you're on a budget, get both and use these for the worst offenders.

I’ve tried so many brands of pimple spots, and these are hands-down the best on the market. I’m a performer at Walt Disney World, and a clear complexion is required. Last night, I put these on a few acne problems (a small cyst, a Whitehead, and a pimple I shouldn’t have picked and has been a bump for about 3 weeks now.) I just woke up and am writing this review in disbelief. THEYRE FLAT! Gone! All of them! I could cry I’m so happy. The packaging is also ideal… Because it allows you to conveniently and easily peel the stickers off without stretching them out or folding them back on themselves. Do yourself, and your complexion, huge favor! Have these on hand for a stubborn zit when you really need help. Make sure you apply them to completely clean and dry skin.


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